Monday, February 28, 2011

Mushrooming eateries on Prenderghast Road and its traffic woes.

Our house is on Prenderghast Road at Secunderabad.  Several years ago, Prenderghast Road or PG Road in short, and the residential colonies adjoining it were very calm, neat, peaceful, and pollution free. However since 15 years the main road is developing into a commercial area and many multi-storied buildings have come up along it and in the adjoining colonies. This transformation is making the place increasingly busy, noisy, dusty and polluted. The first commercial shops were mostly readymade garment shops, grocery shops, medical shops and road side vegetable and fruit vendors.  Then all types of eateries started coming up.
PG Road, a stretch of about 1.5 Km., lies between Mahatma Gandhi Road on the East and Ministers Road on the West. Starting with “Paradise Multi-cuisine Multi-Restaurant Complex” on the MG Road side, there are now a number of eateries all along PG Road with the last one being “Chung Hua” a Chinese restaurant on Ministers Road side. Every evening more eateries and street stalls open up all along the road. Every type of cuisine, food, snack, sweet, refreshment and drink is available here. The above photographs cover just a few of these eateries. People seem to love the eateries and street food of PG Road, every evening they rush here from all directions. Our area gets choked with such heavy traffic and haphazard parking of vehicles. This is a big inconvenience and nuisance.
Ten years ago the local Government in the name of “Public Interest” and “Master Plan” decided to widen PG Road. They selectively took away land from house owners on the main Road; we had to give away 40 Sq. Yds. of our land. With some powerful people not yielding their land the Road widening is not complete. And in areas where it is widened, like in front of our house, people park their cars or vendors open up their evening shops, and all this where we once had our garages L. With such background I dare not complain to authorities about the rush on the roads. They would certainly ask us to donate more land in the name of “Public Interest” and “Master Plan” so that they can further widen the road in front of our house. And ultimately on this widened section more eateries can open up to fill the pockets of those who overlook these illegal and unhygienic eateries.
Mera Administrators Mahan! And God Save the Residents of PG Road.


  1. nice snaps uncle. i agree there are way too many eateries everywhere..but with very few good places to eat a decent meal.

  2. Dear Sohail,
    All snaps are by Srikanth.


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