Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Aftaab, Armaani, Choice, Firdous, Gulrez, Hina, Husna, Rehan, Shama-Matul-Amber, Sultan, Mehreen!?

Well, those are the names of some popular “Attar” available in Hyderabad. Attar or Ittar means fragrance, scent, essence or perfume in Urdu, Persian and Arabic. You may have already guessed this information by looking at the above photographs.

The Attar shops of Hyderabad are doing good business these days. And this is the trend during every Ramzan. Since there are fewer Attar shops now compared to older times these shops are mostly crowded during Ramzan. Most popular Attar shops in Hyderabad, are located around Charminar, Afzalgunj and Mojamjahi Market. Most of the Attar varieties are strong, with a refreshing and sweet smell. Excellent quality Attar costs about Rs. 2500/- per 10 grams. Attar shops are glamorous, due to the sweet aroma emanating from the shops and, as the bottles containing Attar of different colours and, perfumes shine against the shop lighting as precious stones. It is a sight to see, this is captured in the attached pictures but very poorly.

It is “Sunnah” to wear Attar before attending the Eid prayer. Sunnah means the path, the practice and the tradition that has been established by the doctrines, deeds and sayings of Prophet Mohammed and his rightly guided successors. Most Attar varieties are flower extracts, they are non-alcoholic and in the form of oil. A person may apply Attar in the folds of his clothing or dab a piece of cotton with Attar and keep it inside the earlobes. 

In and around Hyderabad it is a tradition among Hindus also to use Attar extensively during festivals. All households have attractive silver containers called “Attardan” and “Panneerdan” to hold Attar and Rosewater. At the time of Marriages, Dasara, Deepavali and Perantalu (Haldi Kumkum functions) Rosewater is sprinkled on the guests and Attar is applied on the back of their hands as a part of welcoming and honouring them.



Secunderabad Railway Station