Wednesday, April 7, 2010

List of injustices done to Telangana - Part 3 of 3.

Here is yet another simple list (Part 3 of 3) of injustices done to Telangana ever since it was forcibly merged with Seemandhra and the State of Andhra Pradesh was formed 53 years ago against the recommendations of the First States Reorganization Commission (First SRC) and against the will of Telangana people. While I am broadly aware of most of the injustices done to Telangana, I do not have the statistical data so I had to seek such information from the reports of knowledgeable persons on Internet to post this article. Such points and more detailed explanations of the injustices are being put forward by the Telangana people and its concerned politicians before Justice Srikrishna Commission which has been appointed to look into the issue of ‘Demand for separate Telangana State’. The last date for submission of pleas to the Commission is 10th April.  In the meantime those who have exploited and deceived Telangana for over five decades are also submitting reports to the commission in favor of unified Andhra Pradesh … I wonder what they have to say about the injustices!
51) The love of Seemandhra people towards the people of their caste, region and District is extraordinary. If one man from that area has stepped into Telangana, then he would start an exodus of his relatives to Telangana. This is for betterment of their and their lives only. The Mulki rules that were existent, the various current rules and agreements in favor of the locals would somehow be overcome to put them in jobs, businesses or in agriculture. Though every department, industry and Public sector unit is an example of such exploitation I would like to narrate about a statue built in memory of such occurrences. The Electronics Corporation of India Limited (ECIL) was established in Hyderabad. It is a Unit of the Department of Atomic Energy, Central Government. The first Managing Director of the Company happened to be from Andhra. Majority of the employees recruited from that point onwards miraculously happened to be from his native or adjoining districts. As the factory was getting readied it is said busloads of people from his area arrived at the factory from time to time to join the Company. In due respect for this benevolent MD, a statue of him adorns this factory. No other Public sector unit in the country has shown such respect to its first MD.

52) Talking about the Seemandhra’s affinity for castes and their aim to dominate any area they step into is evident from the control they have on the Telugu Cinema industry at Hyderabad. Just two castes control the industry and any outsider entering it would be made to run away. If this is happening in a well discussed and covered industry you can imagine the fate of the locals in every other enterprise these non-locals have infiltrated into.

53) The greed for money and the knack to cheat and escape is an art mastered by some people from this area. There are many cases of Finance Companies and some Banks in Hyderabad, owned by these people which have cheated or duped the local people. As if this is not enough they infiltrated into a well-performing 75 year old popular local Bank – Prudential Bank and devastated it.

54) Soon after I completed my Engineering Course, I got an interview call from APSRTC Head Quarters at Hyderabad (AP State Road Transport Corporation) for the post of Depot Manager. There were 40 posts. I fared well in the written test and then I was called for the final interview. I did well in the interview too but did not get selected and for that matter none from Telangana got selected. The posts were increased to 60 to facilitate all the influential and manipulative Seemandhra candidates.

55) As per the Mulki rules a person should be a resident of Telangana for 15 years to get a job in Telangana. These rules framed by the Nizam and followed in the Hyderabad State were agreed upon at the time of forming Andhra Pradesh State. It is said that between 1956 and 1968 Seemandhra people managed to get 28,000 jobs by producing bogus Mulki certificates and 58,000 jobs between 1975 and 1985.

56) Unable to bare all this evil by these Seemandhra people and the helplessness of the local politicians to come to their rescue the local people and students started an agitation for separate Telangana State in 1969. The agitation was very intense and lasted for nine months. The then Chief Minister, an Andhra area person called in the central police forces and the Army to subside the agitation. 370 persons were shot dead mercilessly to suppress the agitation in the name of suppressing violence. Then the local politicians who won all the MP seats as Telangana Praja Samithi candidates promising separate Statehood were manipulated and brainwashed to join the INC and suppress the movement.

57) To add salt to injury, the subsequent Andhra leaders managed to name a park and erect a statue for this Chief Minister who is responsible for so many deaths and sorrow in Telangana and has done nothing for Telangana. Of course it is a different thing that helpless locals spit at this statue as they pass by and have recently tried to destroy it.

58) Gentlemen’s agreement with Telangana at the time of State formation is not honored by Seemandhra leaders.

59) Further, the All party agreement of 1969, the Eight-point program of 1969,  Prime Minister’s Five-point formula of  1972 and  the Six-point formula of 1973 have been dealt with least respect, and the saga of injustices to Telangana just continue.

60) In 1985, a Government Order referred to as 610 GO was issued to transfer 58,000 Seemandhra employees from Telangana. This GO is discussed and debated very often but not implemented. This GO pertains to only 102 of the 250 Departments which are also full of Seemandhra people but still the Seemandhra leadership which is always at the helm of State administration is perennially finding reasons for not implementing 610 GO.
61) In 2001, the then Chief Minister (from Rayalaseema) area appointed the Girglani Commission to look into the number of Seemandhra employees working in Telangana. This was yet another move to delay or avoid any benefits to Telangana. The Commission gave its report three years later in 2004 stating that there are two hundred thousand (2 Lakh) Seemandhra Government employees in Telangana. Well the report is submitted but no transfers have been implemented.

62) Telangana people, their culture and their dialect is criticized and insulted at every opportunity. They are treated as second rate citizens. This ridiculing of Telangana is carried out with more enthusiasm in almost all movies they produce. Nobody is able to stop these insults.

63) Telangana issues are rarely discussed in the Legislative assembly. For that matter most of the time Seemandhra ruling and opposition politicians are busy criticizing one another about their corruption, scams, political murders and governance and boasting about their main leader and the good they think they have done. There is no time for them to do any good to Telangana.

64) Every major political party in the State has promised to support or ensure separate Statehood for Telangana in their manifestos, their election speeches and whenever asked for. The ruling party said that they will abide by whatever their high command dictates. But once the high command and the Central Government announced the formation of Telangana State and as Telangana people were rejoicing Seemandhra people turned into worst kind of villains and once again united to cause enormous anguish to Telangana all for their never ending selfish and greedy needs.

65) Seemandhra politicians may fight among themselves but when it comes to doing good to Telangana they are united in doing injustice and torture them in every possible manner.

I have written just 65 points under this topic of injustices to Telangana. But there are hundreds and hundreds of such points against Seemandhra people and politicians. You must see the ongoing “Dasha Disha” TV program which is being conducted by HMTV in various districts to discuss the Telangana issue. Each and every speaker in every district has so many sufferings and injustices from Seemandhra people to report, within the short time allotted to them.

May Telangana soon get rid of these exploiters, plunderers, and ever greedy clans and may it also get rid of its own spineless double-tongued politicians. May the wishes and aspirations of the majority of Telangana people for a separate State be fulfilled without any further delay.



  1. I'm from Sec'bad but I have never lived in AP due to my father occupational transfers. I lived in Kerala where I have seen some of the best political movements and agitations against partialities. Now I'm in UAE but when I got to HYD to meet my relatives, I have seen my relatives getting scared of talking in their own dilect due to the fear that they will get teased by so called "people from Andhra". This may be the only place in the world where people are scared to talk in thier native dilect. The reasons may be so many but instead of seperating/Dividing the state, it may be wise to empower ourselves and the ministers from Telengana to fight for their rights in the assembly. We "The people from Telengana" must question our ministers about what they are doing in their offices. They can have the support of their people against Andhra lobbying. But they should educate the people about what is happening inside their offices and they must be strong in their convictions. They should not back out if they get what they want "Money". To be frank Telenga Leaders keep quite because they get paid and they are affraid of loosing their "Chairs". There are telengana ministers in the ruling party as well as in the opposition. If the guys in the ruling party is not raising their voices then opposition must raise their voice. I feel that this mess is caused due to the inability of the politicians from Telangana. If they can't do it alone they should take the "Local Janatha" with them. Obviously the politicians must have the leadership quality and must not succumb to any external pressures and only then we can solve this issue.

  2. Telangana Director of Govt Exams Known as Board of SSC Released Notification to Pay Fee for 10th Class Annual Examinations to be held in March of 2018 Released Schedule to Pay Fee.


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