Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Unique rocky landscape of Hyderabad and environs.

As you enter the twin cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad by road or rail you would not miss the breathtaking rock formations and rocky hillocks along the way. You can see rocks of different shapes and sizes spread all over the landscape and mostly doing balancing acts. Unfortunately, you would also see large-scale quarrying that has already destroyed and continues to annihilate this landscape forever.

These rocks that can be found in and around Hyderabad and also in some neighbouring districts are said to be 2.5 billion years old. These rocks are amongst the oldest rocks in the world. And all the interesting and intricate shapes one sees are a result of centuries of ageing. As the earth started forming about 4.6 billion years ago its upper crust began to have a variety of rocks by the action of volcanism, metamorphism, weathering and sedimentation. The rocks around Hyderabad are grey granite and the hardest rock formations in the world. Barbara Cartland was so fascinated with these rock formations that she mentioned them in her novel ‘Love on the Wind’ in 1982. She says that looking at these formations she has a feeling that in ancient times Giants were playing games here with rocks and have arranged them in these intricate heaps and shapes.

The above collection of photographs is just a minuscule sampling of the rock formations in and around Hyderabad. These rocky hills and rocks are being mercilessly broken down to use them in the construction of buildings and sometimes to level ground. These rocks are lifeless but have lived for millions of years supporting the life… of fauna and flora that take shelter under them and their crevices, and by generating waterfalls, springs, streams, lakes and recharging groundwater. We cannot foresee the consequences of this destruction, the destruction of animals, trees, hills, rocks, water bodies and even air that we breathe. This is not wisdom. May the authorities give due attention to the remnant beautiful environment around us and protect it. Only strict laws can protect the environment.


  1. can tell me location of rocky landscape of Hyderabad

  2. 🖕 after going through your article on rocks I remembered my maternal grandparents house which is at bottom of shill in old city, MUSTAIDPURA area. We use to call that area ad GUTTA KINDA


Secunderabad Railway Station