Sunday, July 12, 2009

Never forget another Birthday or a Marriage Anniversary.

HBD = Happy Birthday HMA = Happy Marriage Anniversary
Next week, starting from Monday there are three Birthdays in the family. These Birthdays fall between 13th and 17th July. It will be a week of opportunities to renew relations and exchange pleasantries.
The above list of family members is not complete, so I may please be excused for the few omissions.
I am posting this blog for all those family members who are out of touch with some of these dates.
I hope the above list of Birthday and Marriage Anniversary particulars will serve its purpose – to share love & affection and convey best wishes and blessings to every member in the family on the most important dates and stages of their life.

1 comment:

  1. yeah !! its my papa's bday today ....happy b'day papa :)


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