Tuesday, April 28, 2015

I wish earthquakes become extinct like volcanoes or less intense and harmless.

Less than a week ago on 22nd April, on the occasion of Earth Day I posted an article to my blog in praise of Mother Earth and how it is supporting every life on Earth so magnanimously and how we have to safeguard this environment for our own good and the welfare of future generations. And just three days later on 25th April an earthquake – an inevitable weakness of Mother Earth strikes Nepal causing large scale destruction to life and property. This high magnitude earthquake (7.8) has virtually destroyed Nepal, killing over 4,300 people, injuring over 8,500 and bringing down several buildings and smaller dwellings. For the living, the loss of family members and friends and their dwellings and the aftershocks, torrential rains, avalanches and the landslides are causing heartrending misery. The earthquake brought sorrow to India too, as it has killed 72 people and injured over 100 people.
Most countries of the world especially ours – India is helping Nepal in every possible way round the clock and evacuating thousands of Indians stranded in Nepal. Individuals like us who feel the pain should try and contribute whatever we can through various channels that are opening up to help the suffering people of Nepal.  
I wish and pray that the people of Nepal would bravely overcome their grief and losses and that the kind Nations of the world would continue to help them until they lead normal and content lives.
And as for the earthquakes, I wish they become extinct like the volcanoes and the gigantic deadly beasts like the dinosaurs, or less intense and harmless.

Friday, April 24, 2015

A midsummer day’s dream!

To beat the horrid heat of summer,

Nothing like an air conditioner,

Fruits and drinks from the freezer,

And dreams of such weather!

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Earth Day Message – 2015.

Today is Earth Day. Earth Day is celebrated every year on 22nd April. It was chosen by the United Nations Organization in 1970, and today Earth Day is being observed and celebrated in more than 192 countries. On this day events are held worldwide to demonstrate support for environmental protection. The Earth Day serves to evaluate and think about why and how to preserve our beloved planet, our home.
On our Planet Earth we have everything we need, abundant rainfall, which creates rivers, lakes, ponds and ground water, providing us the most essential water, not only for us but for the entire fauna and flora of the world.  We have plenty of air that is keeping us alive every moment. We have the other source of life - light and heat from the Sun. And there is plenty of food in the form of plants, trees, grains, vegetables, fruits and countless other bounties. That is why, with respect and fondness we refer to our planet as Mother Earth.  
However all this the planet is providing us is getting dangerously polluted and compromised and may end up one day if we do not take proper care. We are fast destroying everything that is given free of charge to us, through industrial and vehicular pollution of water and air. Deforestation and creation of toxic and indestructible industrial and domestic waste are other evils that we are carrying out on a large scale unmindful of the dangerous consequences. Earth Day observation has grown increasingly around the world to create awareness of all these problems and what we can do about it. It is just not the responsibility of the Governments and the local authorities but there is much we can do to keep our Earth healthy...for example conserving water, preventing unnecessary vehicular pollution, using recycled paper and packing material, avoiding plastic bags and cautious dumping of waste.
Some wise man rightly said “The wealth of the Nation is its air, water, soil, forests, minerals, rivers, lakes, oceans, scenic beauty, wildlife habitats and biodiversity…that’s all there is. That’s the whole economy. That’s where all the economic activity and jobs come from. These biological systems are the sustaining wealth of the world”. So true, let us all strive for it.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Food presentation and plating, equates food to poetry!

Sandwiches cut in shapes taste better!
Food presentation and plating, equates food to poetry!

Thursday, April 16, 2015

My nephew Dr. Sudheer’s Housewarming Party – 16th April 2015.

Glad to inform all well-wishers that my nephew Dr. Sudheer’s "New House - Gruhapravesham Ceremony" (Housewarming Party) took place today, 16th April 2015. The function is well attended by family, friends and relatives stationed in Hyderabad and it went off very well. It is a beautiful house, and all are very happy for them.
I once again congratulate and convey my best wishes to Dr. Sudheer, his wife Dr. Lavanya and their daughter Ch. Sudhiksha.
And here are few photographs of the function for you: 

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