Thursday, August 5, 2010

National honour is at stake, helpless let us pray for the success of Commonwealth Games.

Most of the infrastructure and arrangements were to be ready by 31st July for the XIX Commonwealth Games to commence at New Delhi from 3rd October 2010. Unfortunately the situation seems to be very grave. According to large scale media reports and analysis much is to be done and whatever has been completed is having innumerable flaws. Simultaneously several scams involving large scale corruption, favoritism and compromise on quality by the organizers are being exposed every day. And the media is covering these scandals in depth and coining rhyming phrases, acronyms and jokes as presented below. These comments I hope will certainly help the organizers of CWG to correct them and work on a war footing in the next few weeks to become great hosts, ready for a grand inauguration and conducting all the events successfully. I am confident they would succeed and bring honours to the country, God Bless.


Secunderabad Railway Station